

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
~Albert Einstein

rising phoenix counselling


addressing cause; not just managing symptoms

Over our lives we all develop beliefs that make up the filter through which we see the world. Unfortunately, not all of those beliefs serve us. Many of them keep us from the very things we want most in life like close connection to those we love, peace and happiness. It’s in shifting these that we begin to see real lasting change that affects the quality of our life, our relationships and our sense of well-being in the world.

what a session looks like

Just as you are unique, so too are sessions. Generally speaking, we often start by talking about what brings you in and its history in your life. We'll then begin to explore what is at the root of it. We go at your pace. Gathering information about the family you grew up in can be very helpful to understand more about how you came to understand the world and how to be in it. Experiential learning is a powerful way to integrate steps, which is why I also incorporate exploring your experience of the current moment in session.

You need to feel to heal

It’s common in counselling for things to get more uncomfortable before they get better as you venture into hurt feelings you've avoided for a long time. You need to be able to feel it if you're going to heal it. The good news is it is temporary! And on the other side you'll find more of what you've been missing: more you.

Reclaim Joy & vitality

So you can Thrive

Style of Therapy Practiced

I draw on a number of approaches, including:
  • Person-Centered Therapy

  • Transpersonal Psychology

  • AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)

  • Mindfulness

  • Cognitive Beharioural Therapy

  • Somatic Therapy

  • Bowen’s Family Systems

  • Developmental Model of Couples Therapy

  • Transformative Couples Therapy

  • Ego States Therapy (Parts Work)

  • Trauma-Informed

  • A Course In Miracles & Law-of-One Philosophies

“Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle, and best at the end.”
~ Robin Sharma


Supporting people to move beyond fear so they can impact the world one loving action at a time


Like a light house, values give us something to head for during a ‘storm’, making us far more likely to reach our goal.
“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”
~Roy E. Disney

A commitment live by these values and to accountability and honesty—especially when it’s hard. When I make a mistake, I am accountable for it and work to make it right. I strive to have my values guide my actions, not my emotions. I take accountability for my emotional experience instead of explaining my discomfort by what others did.

Being gentle with myself and others, and seeking to understand in place of judging.

Considering self & other equally
Some of us try to be selfless and only consider others, while others think only of themselves. Instead, healthy relationships require that we consider all people involved in decision making.

Clear, loving communication
Sharing our honest truth lovingly. Honing effective communication with others.

Loving & ecologically sound decision making & actions
Given the greater inter-connectedness, loving our world is a piece of loving ourselves.

Striving to find balance in all aspects of life --emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. Self-time, family-time & relationship nurturing. A balanced business looks like time to refine both counselling skills and business management.

Timely & Organized
Using time efficiently and respectfully. Striving for simplistic, calming order.