Therapeutic consciousness expansion Group
You are your own best tuning fork for honing in on what your next best step is on your evolutionary journey. Your body is a powerful message-sending machine. When we don't listen to it, we increase physical and emotional distress in our life. But when we learn to tune into it, we begin to notice the places where we get in the way of our own peace and happiness.
Learn how to:
Trust your own personal guidance system
Work with your shadow so you can reclaim disowned aspects of yourself
Increase your intuition by aligning with higher frequencies (love instead of fear/anxiety)
This is an experiential, therapeutic processing group, meaning you will be invited to participate in supported therapeutic processes designed to support you on your ascension path. The framework for this group is transpersonal -- it acknowledges that we are a part of an interconnected web that is bigger than ourselves and spiritual in nature. It has been my experience that working WITH (instead of against) what comes up for you greatly reduced symptoms and makes for a smoother ascension process.
6 weekly 2 hr sessions - $290
NEXT GROUP START DATE: Week of Jan 9th, 2023
Offered online (day) or in-person in Roberts Creek, BC (eve)
For questions or to book a consult: